About Us


The Federal Foresight Community of Interest (FFCOI) is a forum based on the discipline and application of foresight. It provides an opportunity for federal employees, think tanks, and industry to network, learn, analyze, develop, and communicate foresight methods and best practices to decision-makers and strategic planners. The FFCOI is a centralized connection point for agencies to share best practices, foster cross-agency support, and develop new and innovative ways to apply and improve the use of Strategic Foresight within the Federal Government. The FFCOI does not attempt to predict the future but seeks to understand the implications of various scenarios their agencies might reasonably face in a longer time frame.


The FFCOI was established by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in January 2013 by Mr. James-Christian Blockwood. The FFCOI held its inaugural meeting on March 27, 2013 and continues to hold quarterly meetings. The VA later partnered with the U.S. Bureau of Prisons in 2015 to expand the group’s reach and advance the overall goal of using foresight methodologies to improve decision-making in government and institutionalize foresight within the Federal Government.

Leadership Council

Sharaelle Grzesiak
Co-Chair, U.S. GAO


Robin Champ
Co-Chair, USSS


Eric Popiel
Co-Chair, OPM


Joseph Moore
Council Member, VA


Joseph Greenblott
Council Member, EPA



The FFCOI is open to all federal employees who work in the areas of foresight, futures, strategic planning, innovation, and risk management. The FFCOI includes strategic partners, external to the U.S. Federal government, from the private sector and the international community.

U.S. federal agencies represented at FFCOI meetings include:

Bureau of Prisons

Central Intelligence Agency

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Department of Commerce/National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency

Department of Energy (Sandia National Laboratory)

Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Interior

Department of Veterans Affairs

Environmental Protection Agency

Federal Aviation Administration

Government Accountability Office

Library of Congress

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Personnel Management

Patent and Trademark Office

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

U.S. Coast Guard

U.S. Navy

U.S. Secret Service